- These computers use a microprocessor chip and this chip is used instead of CPU means that this microprocessor chip works as a CPU.
- These computers are also called personal computers.
- Two major types of these computers are laptop or Desktop computers.
- Only one user uses these computers at time that's why they are also known as personal computers.
- These are powerful computer.
- These computers come into existence in 1960s at that time mainframe computer was very costly.
- Mini computers were available in cheap prices, so users start using it.
- It as a very powerful and large computer.
- You can get idea of its power as it can handle processing of many users at a time.
- Terminals are used to connect a user to this computer and users submit there task through mainframe.
- Terminal is a device which has keyboard and a screen.
- By using terminal users put inputs into the computer and get the output through screen.
- As the name "super computer" specifies that these are most powerful computers even than mainframe.
- Actually, when we optimize a mainframe computer then we get super computer.
- This super computer is made in china .
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